IBM Maximo Asset Management, Version 7.6

Uninstalling Maximo Asset Management and middleware

Use the Installation Manager software to uninstall Maximo® Asset Management and any middleware that was installed with the Maximo Asset Management installation program.

About this task

After you use the Maximo Asset Management configuration program to unconfigure Maximo Asset Management and associated middleware, use the Installation Manager software to uninstall previously installed components. You must run Installation Manager locally on the system that hosts the component you want to uninstall.


  1. Stop all DB2® and WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment processes on the system.
  2. Open a command prompt and start Installation Manager.
    Windows UNIX
    C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\IBMIM.exe
  3. From the IBM Installation Manager interface, select Uninstall.
  4. Select the packages that you want to remove and then click Next.
  5. Review the package summary information and click Uninstall to remove the selected packages.
