BMXAA7387E While attempting to retrieve {0} of {1}, the operation was terminated because the preset limit {2} was exceeded for retrieving {1} into a single set. Reduce the number of selected objects for the operation.


The fetch stop limit that is enabled by the mxe.db.fetchStopLimitEnabled property was exceeded.


The user should use filter to narrow down the search. If the operation is atomic and the set cannot be adjusted and it is a correct operation, please report the error to the adminstrator. The system needs to be reconfigured.


Examine if the preset limit is reasonable to the normal user scenerio and adjust accordingly. The default value for all the objects are defined by mxe.db.fetchResultStopLimit property. If a particular object's limit needs to be adjusted, the property mxe.db.fetchResultStopLimit.OBJECTNAME can be set to a larger value than the default. If -1 is used as the value, it indicates no limit is applied to this object.