BMXAA7878E Too many login attempts, user self-registrations, or forgotten password attempts have occurred, and the client has been blocked. The affected client host is {0} at the address {1}. The reason is: {2}


The specified client has been blocked because of excessive bad login attempts or excessive use of the Self Registration or Forgot Password applications.



Possible hacking activity is occurring on the specified client, so the specified client address and client host have been blocked. You should investigate for possible ongoing attacks. Check the LOGINBLOCK table and the LOGINTRACKING table in descending order by attempted date. If you believe this message has been generated in error, examine the values of the system properties mxe.sec.IPblock, mxe.sec.IPblock.num, mxe.sec.IPblock.sec, mxe.sec.adduser.maxsets, and mxe.sec.forgotpassword.maxsets to determine whether any of these should be set to a less sensitive value. To unblock the client, delete the appropriate row from the LOGINBLOCK table using a database utility.