An out of sequence request times out while waiting for an earlier sequenced request to be received by the server. As the application can send asynchronous requests, it is possible that multiple requests from the browser are sent to the server at one time. The framework marks each request with a sequence number to ensure each request is processed in the order in which they were sent from the browser. With the nature of the TCIP, it is not guaranteed that the requests are received by the server in the order the requests were sent. If a request is received by the server out of order, the framework will wait for a configurable amount of time for the earlier request(s) to be received. There is a possibility that a request is never received by the server. When the configurable time expires, this message is sent back to the user.
This message should be rarely seen if at all. If users see this message frequently, then besides network issues, the System Property mxe.webclient.outOfOrderReqWaitTime might be set too low. You can reset the default value or specify a higher value.