BMXAA8341E An error was encountered while attempting to retrieve a resource at URI {0} using the OAuth protocol. There might be an error in the OAuth end point, the resource URI might not be valid, or you might not have permission to access the resource. Verify that the OAuth end point for the provider is configured properly, that the resource URI is valid, and that you have permission to access the resouce.


An error was encountered while retrieving a resource from the OSLC provider using the OAuth end point. An error might exist in the OAuth end point, the resource URI might be invalid, or the user might not have permission to access that resource. Verify that the OAuth end point for the provider is configured properly, that the resource URI is valid, and that the user has permission to access the resouce.


Integration configuration problem. Contact your system administrator.


Error encountered while fetching resource at the specified URI using OAuth protocol. Possible error in configuring OAuth end point, the resource URI is invalid, or the user does not have permission to access that resource.