Information Center, Version 7.6

Navigation in the information center

Use the navigation pane and the toolbar buttons to browse the information center.

Click the plus sign next to an entry to expand a navigation tree.

Select the topic titles in the navigation tree to display the topic content in the topic pane of the window.

To navigate within the history of viewed topics, use Back (Go Back) and Forward (Go Forward) on the information center toolbar.

To return to the navigation tree after performing a search, click the Contents tab (Contents) in the navigation pane.

Click Home (Home) to open the home page of the information center.

To collapse all the topics in the Contents view, click Collapse All (Collapse All) on the Navigation toolbar.

When you click a link in a topic, the Contents view does not automatically highlight the new topic. To locate the current topic in the Contents view, click the Show in Table of Contents button (Show in Table of Contents). To keep the Contents view and the topic pane synchronized, click Link with Contents (Link with Contents) on the toolbar of the navigation pane. Click the button again to disable this feature.
