Information Center, Version 7.6

Searching in the information center

To search topics in the information center, enter a query in the Search field and click Go. The results are shown in the Search Results view. Searches are not case-sensitive.

Each search result has a summary that contains the first few sentences of the topic. You can hide the summary by selecting Hide result descriptions (Show or hide descriptions) in the Search Results view.

When you select a topic from the search results, the words from your search query are highlighted in the displayed topic. To turn off the highlighting, click Highlighting (Turn Highlight off).

To toggle between the navigation tree and the search results list, select the Contents tab (Contents) or the Search Results tab (Search Results) in the navigation pane.

Searching for exact words or phrases

You can identify a search phrase as an exact string by enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, "log file" searches for the string log file. Without the quotation marks, the search finds instances of both the word log and the word file in the topics.

Searching with wild cards

You can use these wild cards and Boolean operators in your searches.
Search criteria Search result
* any string
? any single character
"" exact phrase

Boolean operators
xx AND yy - hits that contain both xx, yy
xx OR yy - hits that contain either xx, yy
NOT xx - hits that do not contain xx

Performing a quick search

In the Contents view, click Search Topics (Search Topics) on the toolbar. You can limit your search to the topic that you are viewing or to that topic and its subtopics. If you search a set of topics and your search terms are matched, the Search Results view shows up to 500 ranked results.
