An error occurred while starting the launchpad. This error typically occurs when the launchpad is unable to find a supported browser.

Accessing the documentation without the launchpad

You can access the documentation without a browser by looking in the docs directory of the sdk. The documentation files are held in the content directory.

API documentation is held in the apidocs directory. Other documentation is held in language-specific directories. If a document does not exist for your language, use the English version in the en directory.

Correcting the error that is preventing the launchpad from displaying

The launchpad supports the following browsers:
o Mozilla
o Firefox
o Internet Explorer (Microsoft Windows platforms only)

Use the following procedure to attempt to correct the error that is preventing the launchpad from displaying and to try to restart the launchpad:

1. If you do not have the Mozilla Web browser, download and install the Mozilla Web browser from

On Linux and UNIX platforms, export the location of the supported browser. For example:

export BROWSER=/usr/bin/mozilla

2. Restart the launchpad by issuing the following command:

Linux and UNIX platforms: ./
Windows platforms: launchpad.exe