使用者授權合約 淺藍科技公司為 WinRAR 在台灣與中國地區之總代理,網址 www.rar.com.tw。 中文版翻譯僅供參考。實際規定以下列英文條文為準。 本授權合約係 RAR (包括其視窗版本 - WinRAR) 壓縮軟體 (以下簡稱軟體) 用以規 範 win.rar GmbH (以下簡稱授權方) 與安裝、存取或其他任何使用此軟體的使用者 (以下簡稱使用者) 之條文。 1. 作者暨著作權所有人為 Alexander L. Roshal。授權方,亦即簽發授權者,亦即全球 獨家使用權持有者包含重製權、發售及以能任何形式公開發佈者為 win.rar GmbH, Marienstr. 12, 10117 Berlin, Germany 2. 本軟體係以先試用後購買的形式發售,此定義為使用者在最多 40 天以內試用本軟體 皆屬免費,在試用期滿後,使用者須購買授權才能繼續使用。 3. 本軟體除以下例外條件,皆能在不以任何形式更動原始封裝的條件下自由傳播。 a. 無書面授權者不得拆解本軟體封裝後加以傳播,但 UnRAR 元件例外。 b. 無書面授權者不得將未授權的試用版包裝於其他軟體之中。 c. 未更動的 WinRAR 安裝檔必須單純提供,不得與任何軟體搭配。任何搭售為禁止 行為。未經 win.rar GmbH 書面同意,任何形式的搭售,特別是使用下載或安裝 之軟體為禁止的行為。 d. 散播試用版者不得收錄、轉介或暗示駭客、破解、註冊金鑰或金鑰產生器等。 e. 倘若違反上述條件,則授權條件即自動立刻失效。 4. 本軟體試用版得顯示提醒註冊之對話方塊。根據軟體版本或設定的不同,此對話方塊 得包含本機預先定義的文字及連結,或自網際網路下載之網頁。此網頁得包含授權指 引或其他授權方自行選擇的內容,包含廣告。當開啟網頁時,本軟體僅能傳輸 HTTP 通訊協定下,讓網頁順利開啟必要的技術性參數。 5. 本軟體依原樣散佈,無明示或暗示任何保固,您必須自行負擔使用的風險。作者、授 權方及授權方的代理者皆無須為使用或不當使用本軟體造成的資料遺失、毀損、利潤 損失或其他任何損失負責。 6. 本軟體有兩種基本授權型式。如下: a. 單一電腦使用授權。使用者購買一個授權,在一台電腦使用本軟體。 家庭使用者得將單一電腦使用授權應用於購買授權者本人之所有電腦及行動裝置 (如 USB 磁碟、外接硬碟等)。 商業使用者須遵守一台電腦或行動裝置安裝一份授權的規定。 b. 多使用授權。使用者一次購買多個授權,可以提供購買者及購買者的員工在相同 數量的電腦使用。 在網路 (伺服器與用戶端) 的環境下,使用者必須購買與用戶端 (工作站) 相同 數量的授權,用以安裝、使用或存取。與用戶端 (工作站) 相等數量的授權為必 要條件,不考慮是否同時間或不同時間用到本軟體。例如您在網路有 9 台用戶端 (工作站),則必須購買 9 份授權。 在合法使用的目的下,購買授權之使用者得在購買數量與符合以上定義數量之電腦下 ,無條件使用本軟體。 7. 除上述授權費用外,建立及散播 RAR 壓縮檔、分割檔、自解檔及分割自解檔等,皆 無須付費。授權所有人得利用同等授權數量之本軟體產生壓縮檔及自解檔,無其他限 制,自由散佈之。 8. 本授權軟體不得租借,但得永久轉移至第三方,且第三方須同意授權合約。 9. 欲購買授權,請閱讀本軟體附帶之 order.htm 檔。 10. 除本合約規範之條件外,您不得使用、複製、模擬、重製、租用、借用、轉售、修 改、反組譯、拆解、任何逆向工程、或移轉已授權之軟體或授權之軟體之部分。任 何此類未經授權之使用及自動立即中止本合約,且可能構成犯罪要素或遭起訴。 任何 RAR 二進位碼、WinRAR 二進位碼、UnRAR 原始碼及 UnRAR 二進位碼皆不得在 沒有取得書面同意之下,用以或逆向工程用以重新建立 RAR 專利演算法。 本軟體或有使用某些元件,來自於第三方開發或授權件。詳情請參閱 WinRAR 說明檔 《致謝》章節,或其他 RAR 版本的 acknow.txt 文字檔。 11. 本授權合約係僅基於德國法律撰寫。如果您是零售商,win.rar GmbH 於德國柏林註 冊之法庭具有唯一優先裁量權,用以仲裁違反本授權合約或相關之爭論。 12. 安裝及使用本軟體即表示同意本合約之條文。如果您不同意本合約條文,您必須自您 的儲存裝置完全移除本軟體之所有檔案並終止使用本軟體。 (以下為英文條文) END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT The following agreement regarding RAR (and its Windows version - WinRAR) archiver - referred to as "software" - is made between win.rar GmbH - referred to as "licensor" - and anyone who is installing, accessing or in any other way using the software - referred to as "user". 1. The author and holder of the copyright of the software is Alexander L. Roshal. The licensor and as such issuer of the license and bearer of the worldwide exclusive usage rights including the rights to reproduce, distribute and make the software available to the public in any form is win.rar GmbH, Marienstr. 12, 10117 Berlin, Germany. 2. The software is distributed as try before you buy. This means that anyone may use the software during a test period of a maximum of 40 days at no charge. Following this test period, the user must purchase a license to continue using the software. 3. The software's trial version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. Nobody may distribute separate parts of the package, with the exception of the UnRAR components, without written permission. b. The software's unlicensed trial version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission. The software must remain in the original unmodified installation file for download without any barrier and conditions to the user such as collecting fees for the download or making the download conditional on the user giving his contact data. c. The unmodified installation file of WinRAR must be provided pure and unpaired. Any bundling is interdicted. In particular the use of any install or download software which is providing any kind of download bundles is prohibited unless granted by win.rar GmbH in written form. d. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included, pointed to or referred to by the distributor of the trial version. e. In case of violation of the precedent conditions the allowance lapses immediately and automatically. 4. The trial version of the software can display a registration reminder dialog. Depending on the software version and configuration such dialog can contain either a predefined text and links loaded locally or a web page loaded from the internet. Such web page can contain licensing instructions or other materials according to the licensor's choice, including advertisement. When opening a web page, the software transfers only those parameters which are technically required by HTTP protocol to successfully open a web page in a browser. 5. The software is distributed "as is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. Neither the author, the licensor nor the agents of the licensor will be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. 6. There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for the software. These are: a. A single computer usage license. The user purchases one license to use the software on one computer. Home users may use their single computer usage license on all computers and mobile devices (USB drive, external hard drive, etc.) which are property of the license owner. Business users require one license per computer or mobile device on which the software is installed. b. A multiple usage license. The user purchases a number of usage licenses for use, by the purchaser or the purchaser's employees on the same number of computers. In a network (server/client) environment the user must purchase a license copy for each separate client (workstation) on which the software is installed, used or accessed. A separate license copy for each client (workstation) is needed regardless of whether the clients (workstations) will use the software simultaneously or at different times. If for example you wish to have 9 different clients (workstations) in your network with access to RAR, you must purchase 9 license copies. A user who purchased a license, is granted a non-exclusive right to use the software on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. 7. There are no additional license fees, apart from the cost of the license, associated with the creation and distribution of RAR archives, volumes, self-extracting archives or self-extracting volumes. Owners of a license may use their copies of the software to produce archives and self-extracting archives and to distribute those archives free of any additional royalties. 8. The licensed software may not be rented or leased but may be permanently transferred, in its entirety, if the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. 9. To buy a license, please read the file order.htm provided with the software for details. 10. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed software, or any subset of the licensed software, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither RAR binary code, WinRAR binary code, UnRAR source or UnRAR binary code may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the RAR compression algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission. The software may be using components developed and/or copyrighted by third parties. Please read "Acknowledgments" help file topic for WinRAR or acknow.txt text file for other RAR versions for details. 11. This License Agreement is construed solely and exclusively under German law. If you are a merchant, the courts at the registered office of win.rar GmbH in Berlin/Germany shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising in connection with this License Agreement or its validity. 12. Installing and using the software signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must remove all software files from your storage devices and cease to use the software.